There are minimum age restrictions for all boat operators, including a minimum age of 14 for PWC operators but only if they have completed a safety course and are supervised. SECTION 1. All homeowners in White Meadow Lake are members of the White Meadow Lake Property Owners Association, Inc., which owns and maintains the lake itself and its beaches, boat docks, club house and other facilities. Class D - 40 feet and up. "Except that no item amount can be increased by more than one percent (1%) of the total of the operational expenditures of the proposed final budget unless such figure has been presented at the September meeting as an objection for consideration and such line item receives a three-fourths (3/4) majority of those voting on the line item at the Second meeting." Speed limits include 5 mph within 100 feet of a dock, shore, pier, anchored boat or float. Candidates for any of the said offices must be members in good standing for at least one year prior to nominations or temporary appointment. There shall be no addition to the Capital Expenditures Section. Boaters cannot operate on the water one hour after sunset and one hour before sunset. Did you find wrong information or was something missing? The population density was 2,296.9 per square mile (886.8/km2). SECTION 30. Committee meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 12:30 pm. The ballroom has windows facing the Lake and adjacent grounds and is especially suitable for weddings and other events in the spring, summer, and autumn. See more of White Meadow Lake Boating on Facebook. Responsible for advising the Board of Directors on all proposed changes or amendments to our Constitution. You also need to fulfill the inspection requirements before you arrive at any of the lakes launch facilities and buy a Watercraft Inspection Sticker. 5. In the Property Owners Association, the Constitution . Where premises are owned in severalty or jointly by persons not in the same immediate family as herein defined, such persons shall file a written designation with the office of the Association, designating who shall be the Member. Other persons shall be eligible for Associate Membership, under Rules to be adopted by the Board of Directors. However, the vessel must be registered, have valid insurance, and the operator must meet age and other legal requirements. . Water bodies such as the Great Lakes are large enough to carry ocean-going ships and barges in most places. Plus, you need a permit before launching your boat. At least three (3) days notice must be given of any Special meeting of the Board of Directors, which notice may be waived by any member of the Board. Download the latest version of Internet Explorer or Firefox. Anglers on the Delaware River may catch, species including: trout, bass, walleye, shad, musky and pan fish. The office is responsible for supervising budget expenditures, receiving dues, purchasing supplies (as directed by others), preparing and filing tax forms, payroll, authorizing correspondence, coordinating a schedule of community activities and requirements, maintaining records of community policy of Board actions that will affect future years' procedures, and other necessary office functions of the community. community of boaters & watercrafts of all types such as pontoons, sailboats, motorboats, rowboats, kayaks, canoes etc. Insurance requirements vary state by state, so check the local rules before hitting the water to avoid any potential fines. If an incumbent Director whose term does not expire by virtue of the current election is elected to an Officer position, the vacancy thus created shall be filled by the candidate for Director who received the next highest number of votes. This office, located upstairs in the Clubhouse, is open five days a week. Any vote at a Special Meeting of the Association, unless otherwise provided herein, shall be purely advisory. In Moore Park Marine, boats must maintain a slow-no wake maximum of 5 mph. Lake Tahoe is a magnet for many fun-loving boaters thanks to its glistening waters and serenity. New age requirements began January 1, 2020, with full compliance by January 1, 2025 On This Page: Places to Launch Your Boat Get Driving Directions. The Board of Directors shall make Rules and Regulations enforcing the payment of all financial obligations due, or to become due to the Association from the owners of lots or premises, or from any person under contract to purchase any lots or premises shown on maps referred to in Section 3, of this Constitution. There is little information about boating regulations on the lake but we believe it will be similar to regulations at other Washington water bodies. [6][7][8][9] As of the 2010 United States Census, the CDP's population was 8,836. Pyramid Lake is controlled by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Council and they have strict rules regarding boating on their Reservation. It serves three resorts built around it and only people who stay at the hotels have access to the lake. White Rock Lake Public Access Facilities. Turn right onto Lake Sherwood Rd (3.8). Dues and Assessments shall become payable on that day unless a particular Assessment or Initiation Fee provides for the specific day of payment. The Secretary shall take care of all matters pertaining to the correspondence of the Association, send out all notices of Regular and Special meetings, shall keep a record of the minutes of the Board of Directors and of this Association and shall perform such other duties as may be required of him/her by the President or the Board of Directors. There are certain rules which you should abide by while operating a boat on a lake. Said vote must be a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting. The Board of Directors shall determine its own Rules of procedure, not inconsistent with this Constitution. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Purpose is to advise the Board on management & accounting procedures for the POA, Camp & Country Club. In fact, the wind can be so powerful that picnicking or camping is a bad idea as you have to tie down your table, tents, chairs, and cutlery to prevent them from being blown away. Camping permits are required for any over night stay on this parcel, (see camping above for details). Full membership dues (as of 2018) were $685.00 per home.[15]. The Board and its Officers shall not be empowered to mortgage or pledge any of the Common Properties of the Association or properties under its supervision, nor borrow money, except by a vote of the Association at a General or Special meeting or by a balloting conducted by mail. [11][12], The 2010 United States census counted 8,836 people, 3,061 households, and 2,531 families in the CDP. Upon approval by the Board of Directors the proposed amendment shall be presented to the general membership at the September Annual Meeting. In restricted areas, it is unlawful to operate any watercraft at speeds over 5 mph. The lower part of the lake, the Los Banos ONeill Forebay is great for windsurfing and has some great sandy beaches where you can pitch your tent and other conveniences. Hydrant Flushing to Begin April 3rd. All of these create problems for other people and wildlife, leading authorities to restrict the use of such water bodies for the overall good of everybody. When the water level is shallow, boats pose a big risk to lake wildlife because of increased turbidity, pollution and propeller blades. If for some reason, this person shall not be able to serve for the full term, the immediate prior Past President shall serve instead. Moneys to the Sinking Fund shall be invested in United States Government Securities or IN SUCH TYPES OF SAVINGS THAT ARE INSURED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, and no moneys shall be used or withdrawn from said Sinking Fund, except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership voting on said question. Serving in the Armed Forces of the United States or in the National Guard of the State of New Jersey on the day of the elections. The committees so constituted shall assist and advise the Board in the formulation of policy, planning and solving of community problems. In places where regulation is lax, people have been known to defecate and throw beer and soft drink bottles into the water. White Meadow Lake is a welcoming community where there is always something to do for the whole family. Turn left onto WV-92 N/Pocahontas Trail (15.4 mi). The registered office shall be at the office of the White Meadow Lake Property Owners Association and the White Meadow Lake Club House, Rockaway Township, New Jersey, or at such other place designated by the Board of Directors. 12 likes. There shall be created a Sinking Fund. 5. Trout: From March 1-March 31, Daily creel limit 1, 16" minimum length. Each person who has been duly elected as President and who has served a full term, shall upon the termination of this term of office, automatically become a member of the Board for the term of his or her successor, with full voting rights. For every 100 females ages 18 and older there were 93.6 males. Membership in this Association is subject at all times to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, now in force, or as added, or amended from time to time, and all Rules and Regulations adopted by the Association enacted by the Board of Directors, or other authority of the Association. Noisy and water-disrupting outboards disturb silt sedimentation, increase turbidity and make the water less suitable for wildlife and human use. SECTION 18. Upon determination of eligibility under Section 3, said new home owner, owner of any lot or lots or contract purchaser of any new home or lot or lots shall become a member of this Association and so noted upon the books and/or records of the Association by the person engaged by the Board of Directors to supervise such books and/or records. All requests for Capital Expenditures must be presented to the Board in writing, no later than the last regularly scheduled monthly Board meeting preceding the 1st Annual Meeting. The Auxiliary shall have its own Constitution, which shall be subject to approval of the Board of Directors of the Association and shall at no time conflict with that of the Association. Coordinates social events primarily for adults. SECTION 14. The Great Salt Lake is a popular attraction in Utah. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Wednesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, and Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. The ballrooms are equipped with professional sound and lighting systems for shows and dances. Two places of worship are located within White Meadow Lake, both Jewish: the White Meadow Temple, a Conservative congregation, and a Chabad center. White bass. The Board of Directors shall make Rules and Regulations enforcing the payment of all financial obligations due, or to become due to the Association from the owners of lots or premises, or from any person under contract to purchase any lots or premises shown on maps referred to in Section 3, of this Constitution. SECTION 43. THIS SHALL BE DEEMED THE AMENDED CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS of the WHITE MEADOW LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Use as your home location. If your boat has a larger engine, the authorities advise you use a small gas or electric trolling motors to navigate the water. SECTION 6. The POA operates a summer day camp for the children of White Meadow Lake, ages 5 to 15. Alcoholic and soft beverages are provided by arrangement with the Bar and Rental Committee. Be sure to check the rules for the lakes near you before you go. Each Capital Expenditure item approved by the Board shall be voted on by closed ballot on the same day as voting for Officers of the Association. Here are some considerations that affect the accessibility of these inland water bodies. The water is shallow and there is a lot of restriction for larger watercrafts. Many of these water bodies accept boats, but they may have restrictions on the propulsion, size, speed and operator qualifications. Includes shows and dances throughout the year and an Annual New Years Eve Party. Print Map. This in no way shall limit any remedies the Association may have by contract or otherwise. However, this restriction shall not apply between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. daily on that portion of Back Lake in Pittsburg easterly of a line running from Washburn's Camp on the south to the New Hampshire Guide's Lot on the north. The account may also be funded from the annual budget at an amount not to exceed 3% of the current years budget. The Second Annual Meeting will be held at 12 Noon on the fifth Sunday after the First Annual Meeting. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct NovDec. Other helpful information on launching and retrieving your boat and preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species is included. No business or transactions may be voted by the membership at large at either meeting, except as specifically set forth in this Constitution. Voting for candidates, capital expenditures, constitutional amendments and any other item appearing on the closed ballot at the Second Annual Meeting of the Association may be in person, or by absentee ballot which may be cast by a member who cannot vote in person due to the member expecting to be: 1. D. Consideration of the Budget and final adoption. . This section shall in no way limit the proper expenditure of moneys from any other funds for Capital Improvements. There shall be no more than one (1) Member family for each dwelling or lot. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 95.1 males. Club meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month at 1:30 pm. SECTION 5. Supervises maintenance of and proposes improvements to the A-Field facilities. The membership, however, may make general suggestions to the Board under Good and Welfare. The POA operates on a sizable budget and a payroll varying from 25 to 125 employees. SECTION 41. The Board of Directors may appoint such other Officers and Agents and Employees as they may deem proper for such periods as in the judgment of the Board may seen best. Adjacent to the bar is the Gold Lounge which is used in conjunction with the bar as well as for meetings and casual socializing. The authorities actively encourage boaters to visit in order to promote the local economy. Tahoe boats allowed on the lake range from non-motorized watercraft like paddleboards and tandem kayaks to motorized vessels such as jet skis, deck boats , and ski boats . The office is closed on Sundays and Mondays and all Major holidays. Voting on all amendments shall be by closed ballot at such annual meeting in person or by Absentee Ballot. Class C - 26 to <40 feet. Membership privileges in the Association will not be granted on resale or other transfer of ownership of property until all Association dues, assessments and any other fees in arrears are paid in full. The median age was 36 years. These include the Preschool, Childrens Recreational Programs, Moms & Tots and We-Play Playgroups. View our maps and read detailed fishing reports from nearby anglers. SECTION 49. At the Second Annual meeting, the budget shall again be reconsidered and any member may motion to strike out, add or amend, any item contained therein, by a majority vote of the members voting. Where premises are owned in severalty or jointly by persons not in the same immediate family as herein defined, such persons shall file a written designation with the office of the Association, designating who shall be the Member. The Board of Directors shall prescribe the duties of all committees and shall from time to time create or dispense with special committees as needed. . Any surplus in the current years budget not appropriated to the Sinking Fund or the Capital Improvement Fund may either be included in a future years budget, as part of anticipated revenues or reserved to be used against future years collection shortfalls. SECTION 13. Boaters need to keep their boats between the white buoys that mark underwater obstructions and the shoreline. Also, you cannot operate your boat at greater than slow-wakeless speed within 150 feet of a dock, swimming area, water-skier, another vessel or a person fishing from the shore. Non-motorized boats not longer than 12 feet and float-tubes are restricted to 5 mph between the shore and buoys. The Board of Directors makes all necessary rules and regulations to effectuate the purpose of this election. For every 100 females, the population had 96.5 males. SECTION 21. There shall be an Auxiliary of the Association. SECTION 38. It is the POA's direct communication between the Directors, the committees, and the property owners and handles complaints, suggestions, and questions of members of the community. The account may also be funded from the annual budget at an amount not to exceed three (3) % of the current years budget. The President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer and four (4) members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership annually. In fact, it is one of the few places where you can still find operational steamboats plying the waters. [10], As of the 2000 Census,[4] there were 9,052 people, 3,046 households, and 2,562 families living in the CDP. Motor boats shall yield right-of-way to non-motor powered boats except as follows: a) When being overtaken by non-powered vessels. At the Second Annual Meeting, the order of business shall be as follows: A. Greetings and salute to the Flag and Pledge of Allegiance. Boating Access Sites Brochure. Class A - Less than 16 feet. Surfboards, water skis, sailboards, and related equipment must not be used on the lake. White Meadow Lake is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) located within Rockaway Township, in Morris County, New Jersey, United States. Boating is not allowed in most parts of the San Luis Reservoir because it gets very windy most of the time and this makes it unsafe for boats. In this connection, it may conduct surveys of established methods of audit & administration. The Treasurer shall keep full and regular books showing all his receipts and disbursements made, which books shall be open at all times to the inspection of the President or any member of the Board of Directors or the Auditing committee and shall make such reports and perform such other duties as the President or the Board of Directors may require. SECTION 34. With or without strict rules, people will still pollute the water, disturb the wildlife and sometimes damage critical infrastructure used for the public good. The size of a water body is an important determinant of its suitability for boating and other marine activities. In the event that an emergency arises, the Board shall have the power to expend and indebt the Association to a sum not greater than 2% of the current years budget for any one emergency. white meadow lake newsletter published monthly by the WHITE MEADOW LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION 100 WHITE MEADOW ROAD, ROCKAWAY, N.J. 07866 973-627-5300 Newsletter publisher/designer Lauren Sciuto The following committees shall be standing committees: Auditing Committee (composed of members not on the Board of Directors). 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