There are no differences in the Object Inspector when an object is selected in the Editor between the main Slide Editor and the Theme Editor. When no objects are selected on the Theme Slide in the Editor, the Inspector on the right side of the Editor window will show a single Theme Slide tab. Slide Object: This option allows you to dynamically show the text that is in one object inside of another object. Select an audio input from any of your audio or video devices. Themes allow you to quickly define a set of styles for your slides. Operator Notes: Shows any text entered into the Operator Notes field in Presentation Header. These Notes can be used for your own reference or you can show them on the Stage Display to help the presenter remember their talking points, as an example. To create a new Arrangement for your presentation, open the Arrangements toolbar and click on the dropdown menu on the left and select New Arrangement. You will be prompted to name this new Arrangement. If you would like to add a stroke and/or a shadow to the shape of the object then you can do that from the Shape Tab. You would need to set a second Action and set it to Stage + Audience to toggle this setting back off when you wish for your slides to show on the Audience screens again. Note: Once you start the animation sequence, there is no way to go backwards in the animation sequence; if you want to start the animation sequence again you would need to clear the slide and click on that slide again to start from the beginning. This is powerful feature, especially when you're creating announcement slides. That's most likely where you're be clicking during church or watching as lyrics advance. Here you can choose from one of four scaling options. You can quickly add Prop Actions to slides to show specific Prop(s) when you click on a specific slide. You can change the Background Color of the Slide Notes area; click the color box to select one of the pre-defined colors or click the color wheel to select your own color. With support for your favorite streaming platforms, its never been this easy to bring your online presence to life. There is no Slide Notes feature in the Theme Editor. This option must be checked in order to receive the two-week trial offer. Full Width // Fill all Lines to Text Box Width Line Width // Fill to Each Lines Individual Width Max Line Width // Fill all Lines to Widest Lines. Each Build In and Build Out will have a separate row associated with it; this row will show the name of the object as well as the Transition that you have set for that build. With ProPresenter 7.2, your options for audio inputs have expanded! Next Slide: This will put the next slide text, slide notes, or any matched object names in this text box. These Actions can be added to slides by right-clicking on a slide and hovering over Add Action > Add Clear Action; Actions marked with an * can also be added via the Action Palette. Add the Video Input Action to a slide by opening the Action Palette and dragging the Video Input Action onto a slide; doing so will give you the option to choose which Video Input you would like to assign to that slide. Right click on an object to Rename, Hide/Unhide, Lock/Unlock, or Delete the object. Automatically control imported lyrics and chords from backing tracks using pre-made midi cues with the Playback app for iOS, iPadOS, & macOS. When you mouse over any of the Themes you will be shown what the Theme Slides look like that you can choose from. Setup your presentation to run smoothly using Timeline whether you are in a 1-person production or a large crew. When you click and drag a build and hover the mouse between two other builds, you will see a blue line appear between those builds, showing you where the build will be located. You can also add, change, or remove a slide's Chord Chart. Embed audio directly in your SDI and NDI video feeds with dynamic routing controls. To quickly change the appearance of a presentation, open it from the Library then click on the Theme dropdown menu in the toolbar. This Shape can be one of many pre-defined shapes (such as a square, circle, or triangle) or a custom shape that you create yourself. Left, right, up, or down, scrolling text gives your presentation a visual element that will draw in your audience. Note: the text of an object is NOT affected by the object's shape. If you set the timer to a longer time, the last frame of the video will stay on screen for that amount of time before advancing to the next slide. If you want to quickly send what you are working on to the audience screen, click on the, Click and drag an object to position it where you want it to be, Hold the Option key on Mac or Control key on Windows when you click and drag an object to copy (duplicate) that object, Click and drag the edge of an object (also called its "bounding box") to resize the object, Hold the Command key on Mac or Alt key on Windows and hover your mouse near a bounding box to turn the cursor into a Rotate cursor, Hold down the Shift key while dragging a bounding box to lock the aspect ratio, Hold down the Option key on Mac or Control key on Windows while dragging a bounding box to scale from the center of the object instead of the far corner of the object. This can be showing ("firing") a Background to the audience screen, or the changing of a Stage Display layout, or sending a Midi signal out of the computer. Objects that are higher on the list will appear on top of (will cover up) objects that are lower on the list. If so, you'll want to use this to send slides only to the stage display instead of the main output. Properties include Blur, Opacity, color, Angle, and Offset. While youve been able to apply a line fill to text, it has always fit to the width of your text box. It's used internally for product news, marketing, and updates only. Set your text apart with Media Fills, Text Cut Out, and Background Invert and Blur Fills. Esports & Video Game Live Streaming Software, * Price will vary depending on Pro+ expiration date, Pro7 Seat upgrade from Pro6 Single or Seat, Add Pro7 Seat (2 months and 15 days later is rounded up to a 3 month credit), DVD Playback (Both Mac and Windows OS have made this increasingly difficult), Localization (English only at launch many more languages coming), Cloud syncing (more will be said about this in the future), Social media (cut because of changing policies of Twitter and Facebook), Telestrator (may return with new technologies that make it more useful), Karaoke highlighted words (though the sequencing of slides on a timeline is still available), Live web view (web slide objects are still available), Presentation Categories (instead replaced with multiple library support), Master Control (evaluating feature set in light of new multi-screen capabilities), : (Ukrainian Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Translation), Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional Script), La Bible du Semeur (The Bible of the Sower), New International Version (Anglicised) 2011, Nueva Versin Internacional (Castellano) 2017, Contemporary Bulgarian Translation (with Deuterocanon), Chinese Standard Bible (Simplified Script), Chinese Standard Bible (Traditional Script), Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified Script), Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Traditional Script), Chinese Union 2010 (Simplified Chinese) Shangti Edition, Chinese Union 2010 (Simplified Chinese) Shen Edition, Chinese Union 2010 (Traditional Chinese) Shen Edition, Chinese Union 2010 (Traditional Chinese) Shangti Edition, Hungarian Protestant New Translation 1990, Hungarian Protestant New Translation Revised 2014, Improves latency when switching stage layouts with many items, Fixes a crash when quitting the application while a test pattern is showing on the output, Fixes a crash that could occur when changing the configuration of SDI output devices, Fixes a crash that can occur on 10.14 when entering or leaving an editor, Fixes a crash that can occur when removing a Syphon output, Fixes a crash that can occur when reloading the workspace after a local sync, Fixes a crash that can occur when starting NDI outputs, Fixes a bug where duplicating slide elements would not work when the fill is enabled, Fixes an issue that causes the remaining time to update for Countdown to Time without a reset of the timer, Fixes a bug that causes text with a raised baseline to be clipped on the rendered output, Fixes an issue with USB cameras not showing available formats, Fixes a bug where the editor opens with the incorrect slide selected, Fixes an issue where audio files do not respect the set out point, Fixes an issue with media scaling within shape fills, Fixes a bug that causes playlist migrations from ProPresenter 6 to not populate linked presentations, Fixes a bug where font changes in Presentations are not consistently saved, Fixes an issue where the library is not sorted using language natural ordering, Fixes a bug with custom shapes having stroke enabled by default, Fixes an issue that causes the playlist to disappear when dropping one playlist onto another playlist, Fixes a bug that causes the leading zeros to not be removed from seconds with strip seconds selected. Available in more languages than ever before, including: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Korean, Russian, and Norwegian. For example, let's say you have a very wide output screen and want the same text to appear multiple times on the same output. Stay up-to-date with us and join our newsletter. Advanced multi-screen media server designed to play back and manipulate video across one or more screens, Multi-channel video playout server used to synchronize playback of two channels of broadcast-quality video, Comprehensive scoreboard software thats easy to use and affordable for any LED wall, The ultimate subscription-based media library, designed to make it easier than ever for you to find and use media in ProPresenter. You can have multiple Communication Actions on one slide. The Chord Chart feature allows you to add a PDF into the slide that will trigger to a Stage Screen if you've added a linked item to a Chord Chart on your layout. To toggle the Slide Notes area click the Slide Notes button on the bottom right of the Editor. The options available to you are: The Scrolling option allows you to scroll text as a 'text ticker'. You can also turn on the Arrangement feature by clicking on the third button in the Presentation Header. With the ProPresenter API, organizations and individuals can create their own apps, interfaces, and interactions to help you run your show. So, if the video is 10 seconds and has a 5 second go to next timer, it will advance after 15 seconds (10+5), but if it has a 0 second go to next timer, it will advance immediately after the video ends. In the main slide area of ProPresenter, if you are using Grid View or Easy View, the Slide Action icons appear on the top left of the slide's thumbnails; in Table View the icons appear to the right of the text. We use this in our church to switch our Stage Display layout during different parts of worship and to start a timer on the first slide of our pastor's message. This will change the Live Look that is used until a new Look is selected either via an Action or through the Looks menu. ProPresenter now supports NDI natively on Macs that use the M1 chip from Apple. Selecting Stage will toggle on the Stage Only mode for your slides. To change information about an individual slide that you've selected, go to the Slide Tab in the Inspector. There may be no need to purchase extra seat licenses given all you can do in our Free version. To turn on Slide Guidelines, click on the Guidelines button on the lower right of the Canvas and enable Show Slide Guides, or on Mac, option-click the Guidelines button to turn it blue. When adding or editing a Prop Action you will be able to select which Prop you want to fire when that slide is clicked. For each individual object you can decide if (and with what) you want to Fill the object's shape with. When adding or editing a Message Action you will be able to select which Message you want to fire when that slide is clicked, as well as be able to edit any variables that you have set up inside of that Message. You can select the Destination of where Playback Marker is being selected by choosing "Presentation, Announcement, or Audio. Use the new input monitoring to listen to an input before making it live. Add Prop Actions to slides by opening the Action Palette and dragging the Prop Action onto a slide. This is where you set the basic formatting of your Theme slides. To put it another way, textboxes are always rectangular, even if the object has a different Shape. At the bottom of this window, you can view the folder structure of any Themes that exist within ProPresenter. Due to how Arrangements are stored within the song file, you can actually have the same presentation in your playlist multiple times with a different active Arrangement selected for each instance of the presentation. Available in more languages than ever before, including: Playlist actions will now shuffle upon playing if shuffle is enabled in the audio bin. - Remove Line Returns: Check this box if you would like to remove all of the carriage returns in the linked text. The annual maintenance contract costs $159 per seat ($13.25 per month). Clicking on the disclosure to the top right of each slide on the left side or right clicking on a slide thumbnail on the right side will bring up the same menu as if you right-clicked on a slide in the main Slide View Area. Display media thumbnails in EasyView for greater control over slide visibility. Were here to help you in the most efficient and timely way possible. Adding a Planning Center Plan to ProPresenter. Discovering beautiful new content has never been more intuitive. Create place holders within playlists for future presentation documents, view attachments for plans to download and attach to any presentation, hide unneeded plan items, add your own presentations, add audio directly to an audio playlist, and more. The Contiguous Button Have you ever added a background video to a slide within a group, and then that group repeated multiple times in your arrangement? Horizontal Guidelines can be created by clicking and dragging from the Ruler on the top of the Canvas. These pages are intended to give you a glimpse of all of the different features that ProPresenter offers. If you build a slide you'd like to save as a Theme Slide in a Theme, you can do this by right clicking on the Slide and going to Themes, selecting the Theme you wish to put this slide under and then choosing Add Selection to Theme! Under the Properties tab, you can set a transition at the bottom of the window for the Media Cue to use when it's triggered. Formatting options are the same as Timers above; . This is used when pastor is talking about the announcements. Ignore Looping Audio: Will not show the time on audio tracks set to loop. ProPresenter has a wide range of Objects that you can insert onto your slides, from simple text boxes to complex shapes and even custom shapes that you can draw yourself. In the example above, a new seat is purchased for an existing license a little over 2 months after the original license was purchased. Right clicking on a slide and opening the Theme menu offers one other option. Setup your presentation to run smoothly using Timeline whether you are in a 1-person production or a large crew. The selected Arrangement is stored as part of the Playlist data, so exporting the Playlist will maintain the proper Arrangement when you open it on another computer. The Canvas uses an (X, Y) coordinate system, allowing you to align objects with pixel precision. Proration is calculated on a monthly basis and partial months are rounded up for the benefit of the customer, thus adding a Seat to an existing license 2 months and 15 days after the original license was purchased is the same as adding it 3 months after. Download it below and select Registration under the File menu after it launches. Tip: Sometimes you want to paste text into a textbox but you don't want to keep the formatting that was previously in the text, you want to match the formatting that was already in the textbox. You can have multiple Clear Actions on one slide, however you can only have one of each type on a given slide. You can change the opacity of the object by clicking and dragging on the Opacity slider, typing a number into the textbox and pressing Return or Tab, or by using the arrows next to the textbox. The Auto Advance function in Presenter instructs a cue to go to another specified cue without any manual operator input. One other option is to link to another object on the Slide. The other option is to select a Timer and choose to show the current object if that timer has time remaining, has expired, is running, or is not running. This will create a new slide and move any text that is below the cursor to the next slide. When two or more objects are selected the Alignment buttons will align the objects to themselves (instead of the slide). When you create your new presentation, you can drag media cues from the Video/Image Bin, or directly from your computer's file system, into the presentation. How do transitions work and where do I enable them? The Editor includes a set of Rulers that will show on the top and left edges of the screen to better help you see the positioning of the objects in the Editor. Maybe you dont want audio to clear from any of these scenarios, and it keeps playing throughout! This feature allows you to define slides as part of a stanza (Group) and then arrange them in whatever order you need. Change the Hot Key for the slide by clicking in the textbox and typing a letter. ProPresenter can fire media files such as a still image, a video, and audio from a Slide Action. There are several attributes to objects; these attributes allow for powerful control over what you show on the screen, however without a proper understanding they can cause some confusion. Automate the triggering of audio and media playlists by attaching the trigger to a slide. This is especially helpful if you are using a Gradient or specific color pattern and want to get the same specific formatting settings to two or more separate Objects. Organize content that makes sense to you. Tip: If you would like for the copyright information to show, not only does the Presentation have to have Display Copyright checked, you must also have Enable Copyright display checked in the General Tab of Preferences. From within a web browser, remotely control multiple ProPresenter functions and see whats happening at any time. This action, added in ProPresenter 7.3 and above, allows you to trigger a full Playlist in your Media Bin from a single slide. Change the color of your Slide Guidelines by clicking the Guidelines button and clicking the color chooser next to Slide Guidelines. Create your own unique Producer View right inside of ProPresenter with all new Stage Screen linked text and objects, including: Current & Next Slide Group Name, Current & Next Playlist Item, Number of Remaining Slides, Go to Next Timer Count (remaining time), & so much more! The next item is Text Scaling which allows you to dynamically scale the object based on the text in it or dynamically scale the text based on the object its in. Start streaming today with the click of a button. Further customize or integrate ProPresenter with your tools and workflows. The Transition feature allows you to set, change, and remove the transition for this Presentation. The right side of the Editor features the Inspector which offers you the most in-depth options for objects on your slides as well as the slide itself and even the Presentation as a whole. Ready to make your presentation stand out from the rest? All objects are also inherently textboxes. Your command, your control. Playback Markers empower you to automate changes to your show and keep track of time for establishing important moments within a video. Clicking on the Visible icon will hide or show the object on the Editor Canvas. To the bottom left of the Canvas is the Object List which allows you to see and interact with all of the objects on the currently selected slide. ProContent has over 50,000 media assets all available under one subscription. If you repeat a Group in your Arrangement, any edits made to one of those instances will apply to the others. An Object is any item inside of the Canvas of the Editor. Object Transitions You can also apply a transition to individual objects on slides. Edit text how youd like to emphasize it, and the text will stay that way for your audience, regardless of whether its going through a lower third theme, or a different audience look or screen output. Click on the Theme Slide you want to use from this list. Note: The Background Color feature is a setting that is shared across all slides and all Presentations. You must purchase any additional seats first, then renew all seats on a subsequent purchase. To adjust the zoom level of the Editor select the Zoom button in the lower right. Something that can be linked to is called a Token. 5.8K views 7 months ago ProPresenter 7 Tutorials Automatically advance through presentation slides, display media, play an audio file, and trigger actions with ProPresenter's Timeline.. You can mix and match different List formats inside of one textbox, but each line can only have one set of formatting applied to it. 159 per seat ( $ 13.25 per month ) on an object is affected... To the next slide text, it has always fit to the others arrange them in whatever you! Color of your audio or video devices options available to you are in a 1-person production a. Appearance of a button this presentation ) and then arrange them in whatever order you need will appear top! Audio: will NOT show the text that is in one object inside of the Editor Canvas right clicking the. Playlists by attaching the trigger to a slide 's Chord Chart ( X, ). 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