portuguese surnames s

The most common case is for Portuguese people at birth to take two surnames (family names). DSousa - Portuguese. It was a common practice to name free slaves after their former owners, so all their descendants have the Portuguese surnames of their former owner. This list may not reflect recent changes. Surname Listings. WebFerreira is a Portuguese and Galician surname, meaning "iron mine" (name of several locations in Portugal) but also the feminine of 'blacksmith'. So one can find names like "Paulo Salim Maluf" where Paulo is a Portuguese personal name, Salim is an Arabic personal name, and Maluf is his father's surname; or "Maria Heiko Sugahara" where Maria is a Portuguese personal name, Heiko a Japanese personal name and Sugahara is her father's surname. The Indian-Portuguese Actor Announces Pregnancy. In some cases, the family name may not be a locative, but an indication of ownership. The name of a saint: Maria de So Jos (after Saint Joseph). Back in the old days, Acosta was referred to as a person who sued to live in the coastal areas. For instance, the Emperor Pedro I of Brazil (also known as King Pedro IV of Portugal) (17981834) had the full name of Pedro de Alcntara Francisco Antnio Joo Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim Jos Gonzaga Pascoal Cipriano Serafim de Bourbon e Bragana, and his son, the Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, had the full name of Pedro de Alcntara Joo Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocdio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Habsburgo-Lorena e Bragana. [citation needed]. Back in the old days, Acosta was referred to as a person who sued to live in the coastal areas. Li comes in a close second, though, with 105 million people having that surname. In Portugal, given names have been regulated since the creation of the Portuguese Republic, with couples allowed to choose only from a defined list of names. Goa state in western India has tightened laws targeting people wanting to change their surnames to be more Portuguese Catholic sounding. I thought I had a pretty darn good idea of the process Portuguese immigrants went through during the sugar plantation era. Corte Real, Mil-Homens). Most Portuguese surnames have a patronymical, locative or religious origin. From a religious epithet meaning of the light, specifically the Marian name "Nuestra Seora da Luz" (which means "Our Lady of the Light"). The rationale is that Jews would adopt as a family name an (apparently) Christian concept as a deception. Some are among the most popular until nowadays. This practice no longer applies. This pattern used to be quite common in So Paulo. The surnames can be one or two from the mother and one or Cruz - Latin. But that's papagaiada. Some of these are toponyms derived from Tupian languages such as: Due to immigration, nowadays one can find these surnames even in Portugal. An orphan with unknown parents or a converted (Jew, African slave, or Native Brazilian) person was frequently baptized with the name of a saint, such as Joo Baptista (from Saint John the Baptist), Joo Evangelista (from Saint John the Evangelist), Joo de Deus (from Saint John of God), Antnio de Pdua (from Saint Anthony of Padova), Joo Nepomuceno (from Saint John of Nepomuk), Francisco de Assis (from Saint Francis of Assisi), Francisco de Paula (from Saint Francis of Paola), Francisco de Salles (from Saint Francis de Salles), Incio de Loiola (from Saint Ignatius of Loyola), Toms Aquino (from Saint Thomas Aquinas), Jos de Calazans (from Saint Joseph of Calasanz), or Jos de Cupertino (from Saint Joseph of Cupertino). The question of Portuguese Jewish surnames, Most common surnames in Portugal and Brazil, Giving Portuguese surnames to Afro-Brazilians and native Brazilians, Surnames originated from Native Brazilian words, Personal names originating from Native Brazilian names, Ferreira, Ana Paula Ramos; Epigrafia funerria romana da Beira Interior: inovao ou continuidade? Get in touch! Sometimes the new surname had only a phonetic resemblance with the foreign one (the Italian surnames Livieiro and Salviani sometimes were changed to Oliveira and Silva. Santos is a name that has appeared in the US Top 1000 every year except for two: 1913 and 1915. The conjunction e (and) is also common, e.g. and mean "from" or "of." This occurs mainly in schools or official documents, and it is usually done because many people use multiple different surname combinations in their daily life, or do not use the last surname at all. These names, following the old orthography, include: Due to emigration, nowadays one can find these surnames even in Portugal. Most popular Portuguese last names on Family Education. Another family name usually pointed out[citation needed] as denoting Jewish ancestry is Esprito Santo (Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost) and Verdugo/Berdugo (Branch of a Tree / Executioner). Even when someone takes their spouse's name, they dont drop theirs; instead, they simply tack it on to the end. Augmentative suffixes may be used as well, with "Marcos" becoming "Marco" ("Big Mark"), for example. Therefore, one should not refer to Luiz Pereira da Silva as Mr. da Silva but rather Mr. Silva. writer Camilo Castelo Branco is never referred to as Camilo Branco). About 4% of married Portuguese men have taken on their wifes name since it became legal in the 1970s. They were usually baptized with a name related to the date near when they were found or baptized. DSousa often refers to a person from several locales named Sousa. 4. These surnames starting with S originate from Great Britain. Textual evidence suggests that these names were mostly Other practices include the repetition of a syllable (Non from Leonor, Zez from Jos), a simple shortening of the name (Fred from Frederico, Bea or Bia from Beatriz), the contraction of the name (Manel, Man or Nelo from Manuel), or of a fraction of it (Beto from Alberto or Roberto, Mila from Emlia or Camila). prehistoric stone monuments or dolmens), Costa (coast), Pedreira (quarry), Barreira (clay quarry), Couto (fenced site), Outeiro (hill or hillock),Vilar/Villar (from Latin "villagio", a village), Seixas (pebbles), Veiga/Vega (banks of a river), Crdoba/Crdova (hill near the river), Padro (rock or stone), Celanova (barn or reservoir). "Vlamingen op de Azoren in de 15de eeuw"; pp. The first additional names are usually the mother's family surname(s) and the father's family surname(s). [citation needed]. In the past, immigrant children who were born abroad were required to adopt a Portuguese name in order to become Portuguese citizens an example is tennis player Michelle de Brito, whose legal name is Micaela. A mix of shortening and adding a suffix may also occur (Leco from Leonardo). WebNames ending in -es and -ez Introduction Most Spanish surnames (or perhaps even all of them?) A few names are not distinct from old Portuguese surnames like Camarinha, Castro, Crespim. This practice was most used during World War II by Italian immigrants because Italy was an enemy country for a few years. A large number of surnames are locative, related to the geographical origin of a person, such as the name of a village, town, city, land, river. Here is a list of the most popular Portuguese last names: 1. Sometimes, different rules of romanization were applied to Japanese and Arabic names (like Nacamura and Nakamura, Yamaguchi and Iamaguti, Sabag and Sappak, Bukhalil and Bucalil). Others say that they usually chose animal Leo (Lion); plant/vegetable Pimentel (pepper); fruit such as Figo (fig) and Moreira (berry); and tree names such as Pereira (pear tree) or Oliveira (olive tree), in this case trees that bear edible fruits. In addition, some names are banned to prevent a child from receiving an abusive or offensive given name. ", Fbio/Fabiano/a = Fabico, Biano*, Bibi*, Fabi, Bi*, F*, Fernanda = Fefa, Nanda, Nandinha, Nandita, F*, Filipa/Felipa = Filipinha, Lipa, Pipa, Fifi, Filipe/Felipe = Felipinho, Lipe, Pipo, Fili, Phil*, Francisca = Francisquinha, Chica, Chiquinha, Quica/Kika, Francisco = Francisquinho, Chico, Chiquinho, Chiquito, Quico/Kiko, Cisco, Frederico = Fred, Fredy/Freddie, Dico, Drico, Fr, Fu, Gabriel = Gabi (not in Brazil, where it is a feminine nickname), Bibo (not in Brazil, where the word is a slang term for, Gabriela = Gabi, Gabinha, Bia*, Biela*, Bibi*, Gonalo (a name contemporarily not common to Brazilians) = Gonalinho, Gona, Gonas, Gongas, Gonzo (from English influence), Gugu, Guga, Gu, Guilherme = Gui, Guigui, Guile*, Will*, Willy/Willie*, Guiga, Guibinha, Helena/Heleno (also Elena/Eleno) = Lena/Leno, Leninha/Leninho, Leni/Lennie, Lel (for females), Henrique = Rique/Rick*, Riquinho*, Ique, Quique, Quico. Plural forms of Portuguese words usually add s to the singular noun as well as the article and adjective. It was also common to name indigenous people and freed slaves with surnames which were already very common such as Silva or Costa. For instance, the name "Maria do Carmo Mo de Ferro e Cunha de Almeida Santa Rita Santos Abreu" would not be surprising in a married woman. In the Portuguese language, a surname is not uttered starting with a de. These are names like Araci, Caubi, Guaraci, Iara, Iber, Ion, Jaci, Janana, Jandira, Juara, Juraci, Jurema, Maiara, Moacir, Moema, Ubirat, Ceci, Iracema, Peri and Ubirajara (the last four taken from Jos de Alencar's works). [8][9][10], Names of deceased historical figures must be spelled following the current orthographic rules: Lus de Cames (not Luiz de Camoens), Venceslau Brs (not Wenceslau Braz), Euclides da Cunha (not Euclydes da Cunha), Toms Antnio Gonzaga (not Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga) etc.[11][12][13]. Like many cultures, surnames were influenced by occupations, a persons fathers first name, and geographical places or structures. [4][5][6][7] Names of international inspiration are common, bringing with them the unusual characters "k", "w", and "y" (Katya, William), diacritics that do not match the Brazilian pronunciation (Desire, pronounced Desirr) or do not exist in Portuguese (Thas), double letters that retain their foreign pronunciation (Roosevelt) or not (Giovanni), silent letters (as in the formerly mentioned Desire and Thas), and letters that are intended to sound differently from the orthographic norms (Juan, if intended to sound as in Spanish, Hannah, if the initial "h" is intended as an aspiration). that end in -ez, like the Portuguese ones in -es, are paroxitones (which means that the stress falls on the penultimate syllable), and therefore require the acute accent (). Due to emigration, nowadays one can find these misspelled surnames even in their original country. This custom was fashionable among the Portuguese and Brazilian nobility and the upper classes. Its official that Indian-Portuguese actor and model Ileana DCruz is pregnant with her first child. WebThe aposthrofe is an anglicized way to substitute the da Costa, as in Portuguese, there is no de Costa but da Costa, like our PM, Antonio da Costa. According to the newspaper Pblico,[25] the most common personal names in Portugal, for 105,000 children born in 2008 were: According to the IBGE the most common personal names in Brazil in 2010 were:[26]. Having two surnames from different non-Portuguese origin is also not uncommon, such as the Brazilian celebrity Sabrina Sato Rahal, of Japanese and Swiss-Lebanese descent. Examples: Roderick GuerreroRoderick, the Structurally, Portuguese surnames were similar to Spanish surnames at the same time. A similar thing happens with the name Ana (English Anne or Hannah), also very common in double-name combinations such as Ana Paula and Ana Carolina, especially in the younger generations. FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Here is a list of the most popular Portuguese last names: 1. They signed a contact to work on a plantation while still at home. 2. The progenitors of the name were a "Noble Portuguese Marano family, originally bearing the surname of Sampayo," and the Teixeira coat of arms was conferred "in accordance with Manuela = Manela, Manu, Nela, Nelita, Manocas, Marcelo = Celo, Shelo/Chelo, Tchelo, Celim, Marcos/Marco = Marco, Marquinhos, Marquito, Caco*, Margarida = Margaridinha, Guida, Guidinha, Maggie, Maria = Bia, Mariazinha, Maricota, Cota, Cotinha, Micas, Mia, Mimi, Mary, Mria/Mrio = Marinho/Marinha, Maruca, M*, Mariana = Marianinha, Marianita, Nita, Mari, M*, Miguel = Miguelinho, Miguelito, Micas, Mike, Mgui, Nicola/Nicolau/Nicholas = Nico/Niko/Nica, Niquito/Niquita, Lal (for both genders), Lalau (not in Brazil, where the word is a slang term for, Osvaldo = Vado, Vadinho, Valdinho, Vav, svi, Valdo, Patrcia = Pati/Paty/Pti/Patie, Ptri, Pat, Ticha/Tixa, Tia, Pedro = Pedrinho, Pedrito, Pep, Pedrocas, Peu (particularly in, Renata/Renato = R*, Renatinha/Renatinho, Nata/Nato*, Ricardo = Cado, Cadinho, Ricardinho, Rico, Rick, Rodrigo = Digo, Diguinho, Rdri, Rody, Rud/Rudy, Sebastio = Sebastiozinho, Bastio, Tio, To, Bab*, Sebas, Sebasti, Malu/Mil (Maria Lusa, Maria de Lurdes, Maria Lcia), This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 10:34. A typical alphabetized list may look like: However, in contexts such as a telephone directory or bibliography, the practice of using the (last) surname is preferred: The conjunctives and affixes preceding or following it, such as "da" and "Filho", are not used. Surname Changes of Immigrants in the United States, Collaborators of Wikipedia, "Portuguese name," in, Portugal - Names, Personal - Dictionaries, https://script.byu.edu/Pages/the-portuguese-documents-pages/portuguese-overview, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_name, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=Portugal_Personal_Names&oldid=5051058, It was also common for children to receive. Alphabetical Order The Portuguese alphabet uses the same 26 letters and alphabetical used in English. Contact tutor. These include toponyms (e.g. Different from in Italian surnames, these conjunctives are part of a composite name, i.e., "Sousa" is different from "de Sousa," but both are ordered under 'S' in an alphabetical list. Distinct from old Portuguese surnames have a patronymical, locative or religious.... Every year except for two: 1913 and 1915 include: Due to emigration, nowadays can... Locative, but an indication of ownership the coastal areas is that Jews would adopt a! '' ; pp Jos ( after saint Joseph ) ) is also to. Or structures conjunction e ( and ) is also common, e.g Silva but rather Mr. Silva wanting. A surname is not uttered starting with s originate from Great Britain not! Portuguese alphabet uses the same time first additional names are usually the mother 's surname... From '' or `` of. Indian-Portuguese actor and model Ileana DCruz is pregnant with her first child to surnames! A name that has appeared in the coastal areas a locative, but an indication ownership! A contact to work on a plantation while still at home dont theirs! ) is also common to name indigenous people and freed slaves with which! Men have taken on their wifes name since it became legal in the old orthography,:... Darn good idea of the process Portuguese immigrants went through during the sugar plantation era this custom fashionable... Prevent a child from receiving an abusive or offensive given name following the old,! Change their surnames to be more Portuguese Catholic sounding perhaps even all of them? or origin. 1000 every year except for two: 1913 and 1915 to name indigenous people and freed slaves surnames! Were usually baptized with a de, locative portuguese surnames s religious origin on to end! The conjunction e ( and ) is also common to name indigenous and! Close second, though, with 105 million people having that surname Cruz... Name an ( apparently ) Christian concept as a person from several locales named Sousa surname ( s ) the! 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