importance of human resource management in social work profession

It was started as the response of One Way Community Church to the needs it saw within its local community the Vaal Triangle (which consists of Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging, Sasolburg and the surrounding townships). HR management professionals bring tremendous value to their organizations with advanced skills in mentorship and coaching, and by offering other kinds of professional support in addition to managing benefits and social opportunities. Sugarman, L. (2001) Lifep development, Frameworks, accounts and strategies. Some typical responsibilities listed in ahuman resource management job descriptioninclude: HR managers are often the face of an organization for potential employees; they may attend job fairs or other recruitment events looking for new team members. Ensuring an organization adheres to all laws and regulations. Ginsberg has summed up the chief functions of sociology as it seeks to provide a classification of types and forms of social relationships especially of those which have come to be defined institutions and associations. with free plagiarism report. Sociology is a social science concerned with the study of human social relationships and the various ways these relationships are patterned in terms of social groups, organisations and societies. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Application of Social Work Skills to Human Resource Management, Vice President, Human Resources & Administration, Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, Randall's Island, NY, 10035, /doi/epdf/10.1300/J022v05n01_05?needAccess=true. It views employees as capital, or company assets. After taking stock of these four areas, company leaders brainstorm specific ways to capitalize on strengths and opportunities while avoiding threats and minimizing weaknesses. Urbanization and industrialization were creating grave social problems and these early sociologists were looking for scientific solutions. The lack of profit measure has proved a challenge for One Way Community Services management because outcomes of the services that they deliver can be very vague to quantify at times (Jansen van Vuuren 2010). The simplest human resource description would be to say its the department of a company or organization that handles the relationship between employees and leadership. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs,, Analysis of the 'Light Sura' and its relevance to social issues in Islamic life today, Gandhian Values and its Relevance to me as a Future Leader, Macroeconomics and its study with relevance to china, Three Gorges Dam: Its Background and Relevance, Distributive Justice and Its Relevance Under Indian Constitution, Robert Frost's Respect for Nature and its Relevance to Ordinary People, Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession, The impact of the decision on the social work profession, get custom Human resource management (HRM) is the sector of HR that oversees these departments. It has considerably developed in methodology, scope and approach. Receiving regular feedback at staff meetings and more in-depth, specific feedback at appraisals are done in a very constructive way which encourage the improvement of performance and the development of skills. Sociology is a General Science and not a Special Science: Sociology as a science is concerned with human interaction and human life in general. Sociology is an independent science: Sociology as an independent science has its own field of study, its own boundary and methods. Tonnies dividedsocieties into two categories namely Gemeinschaft (community) and Gesellschaft (association) on the basis of degree of intimacy among the members of the society. Over the course of this assignment I will be critically discussing social work management and its relevance to the social work profession. Management also does its best to create climate of trust amoungst the staff so that it is easier to talk about things. A social worker in management is more qualified for this type of thing because social workers are especially trained in the art of understanding people in their totality and these skills can easily be used in different contexts including management contexts. Sociology in India. Erikson (1995) recognised this as the critical crisis of adolescence in the eight stages of development. Synthetic School of Sociology. What degree is needed to be a human resource manager? The craft of caring. For an organization to truly maximize its capacity and in doing so increasing its efficiency, you need to play people at their strengths and let them do what they are supposed to do. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Rehabilitate people who are addicted to alcohol. Control of staff performance is maintained through 6 monthly appraisals and weekly staff meetings. Catalyst Research Center for Corporate Practice, Recruiting, Selecting, and Hiring Employees, Employee Value Proposition and Experience, Overseeing Compensation, Benefits, and Performance Evaluations, Optimizing Opportunities for WorkLife Balance and Work Flexibility, Addressing Work-Related Concerns and Challenges, Future Directions: Building Inclusive and Equitable Workplaces, Auguste Comte coined the word 'sociology' in his Positive Philosophy published in 1838. Exceptional human resource management ensures that the HR department runs smoothly and continues to evolve over time. Children are generally the losers when their parents marriages end in divorce or their long-term partnerships are terminated. It plays a vital role in company operations and providesnumerous benefitsto organizations, including: This button displays the currently selected search type. (Seal &Brzuzy,1998, P. ) 7. He has on the basis of forms of relationship tried to differentiate between community and society. According to formal school sociology was conceived to be a social science with a specifically defined field. They may also help resolve disputes individual employees have with the organization as a whole. They saw sociology as a scientific guide to social progress. Management is responsible for creating an environment in which people can perform optimally thus increasing productivity. However, the timing of these changes varies between individuals, influenced by such things as gender, genes and culture (Ackerman, 1958). Technology, workplace policies, and a changing market are some of the biggest factors influencing the growth and evolution of human resources. In fact, one of the earliest recordings of a management technique can be found in the Christian Bible in chapter 18 of the book of Exodus where after encountering numerous problems resulting from being the only direct report to millions of Israelite people, Moses decides to choose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people, officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Deferent people have different perceptions of what is happening to them as they move through transitions in their lives. The organization also tries to keep their staff motivated by regular team building, staff meetings, socials and one on one chats between employees and management (Jansen van Vuuren 2010). This school had George Simmel, Ferdinand Tonnies, Alfred Vierkandt and Leopord Von Wiese as its main advocates. Although workers at for-profit organizations experience some form of emotional distress at their place of work, it is the nature of this distress (usually stress related to the pace at which the organization moves and not the emotionally content of the work done) which makes it different to what is experienced at non-profit organizations It takes a wise and highly competent manager to negotiate this challenge in such a way that does not create a sterile and uncaring environment which at the same time does not create a space which leaves employees emotionally drained and exhausted. Physiological approach explains human development by examining the physical development and genetic make-up, for example, biological theories explain a childs growth and development, concentrating on characteristics inherited from biological family. Carlson, N. R. (2000) Psychology, The science of behaviour,Allyn ; Bacon Coleman, J. C. (1990) The nature of adolescence,2ed. Clinical education and professional development are within the human resources umbrella in healthcare. Abstract forms separated from concrete relations cannot be studied. (Bee, 2002) Social development in adolescence is a period of transitions from being a child into being an adult. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. (Herbert, 2002) Our society relies upon various kind of drugs and substances for every day living. International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP): The IFEBP helps HR departments research and find the best, most cost-effective benefits for their employees. This, according to Jean Roberts requires an organizational commitment to reducing the possibility of risk by allocating resources to the identification, analysis and prevention of risk and monitoring the cause and effects of this risk and managing it effectively. Gone are the days in which HR managers only dealt in hiring and firing; now they are an essential part of an organizations long-term growth. In addition to this social workers also need to master another skill which a manager in a for-profit organization would probably never need. Currently, One way Community Services employs five full time staff members 2 full time volunteers. The historical sociology deals with the historical variety and actuality of the general forms of society. In addition to recruiting new employees, HR managers handle conflicts between employees or between employees and supervisors. 7. Type your requirements and I'll connect In addition to this, social workers actions are sanctioned and accountable to these organizations. Social workers need to recognise in working with people the different transitions and may use them as an opportunity in helping the service users to grow, change, or develop. HR managers are often called on to provide a sounding board for employees, resolve conflicts between co-workers, and help employees navigate change. Once again social workers are trained in the knowledge of legislation and policy that specifically effects the profession and the organizations in which it operates. It is social ethics, a social philosophy. Activating in One Way Community Services takes place by the setting into motion of the plans, people and departments that have been organized. "Their role as employee advocate is only strengthened and more fully realized.". Social work studies life, community relations and its characteristics for social development. The skills and knowledge that social workers possess can be applied to nontraditional settings in novel ways to increase employee productivity and organizational effectiveness. Professional social work is an important field that helps individuals, families, and communities to cope with and overcome challenges. The first part of the term is a Latin, socius- that may variously mean society, association, togetherness or companionship. An added dynamic is that non-profit organizations normally cooperate with other organizations (discussed later), but have to compete for limited finances. When HR first became integrated into business, it primarily focused on employee hiring and benefits. Values are everything when dealing with people. For more information, please visit our Permissions help page. You not only will play a large role in employee day-to-day life, but will also have to keep up with a large amount of paperwork. Need urgent help with your paper? The impact of parental conflicts, for example being exposed to verbal and physical violence will have an impact on childrens behaviour. As a profession, social work began in the 19th century in America and the United Kingdom mainly because the poor were seen as threatening to the social order. HR managers can offer insight into the state of the company from the employees point of view. 1.a. This will allow comparing, and assessing the development of a child that needs to be assessed. As a human resource manager, youll be in charge of distributing, communicating, and improving compensation and benefits packages. They are often in charge of discussing payroll and benefits with employees, helping to resolve any issues. One of HRs primary roles is managing payment and benefits for an organizations staff. (Barker, 2003) The cognitive explanation of childrens and young peoples behaviour is concerned not only with what is actually happening but also with their understanding and a mental representation of what is going on. For some young people from an ethnic minority group this may be an issue. This ever changing complex system which is called society is a web of social relationship, on Social Work Management and Its Relevance to the Social Work Profession. Having a strong HR department backed by solid leadership is one of the best ways for a company to ensure employee satisfaction, productivity, and future growth. It is the mutual interactions and interrelations of individuals and groups. The sources of financial support at One Way Community Services include grants from government, donations from members of the public and funds raised by the newly established marketing team (Jansen van Vuuren 2010). The larger the company, the more likely that the HR manager will oversee other HR specialists in areas such as benefit management and recruitment. They are less dependent on people, less aggressive and disruptive, more empathetic and more emotionally mature in their interactions in school and other settings. Palgrave, New York. (Lindon, 1998)) Adolescence in Latin, adolescere means to grow up it usually starts with the physical changes associated with puberty, which begin the physical changes to the body. In 1957, Lindeman described social work as being a profession but on the lower end of the development continuum. In a specialized society we are all limited as to the amount of the whole organization and culture that we can experience directly. HR knowledge It's vital that HR professionals are aware of employment trends and labor laws. But sociology provides a scientific and suitable means and methods for scientific solution. Human resources helps maintain a happy, legal and effective workforce. your own essay or use it as a source, but you need 2. At the onset of our interview, I asked Ellouise if she felt that as a qualified social worker in a management position she had an advantage when it came to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of services rendered at One way Community Services, her reply was definitely, (Jansen van Vuuren 2010). Employees and volunteers very often become personally involved in what they do and their clients and although this sometimes does mean that they are highly motivated and committed to what the organization does, it also leaves them drained and sometimes traumatized by the situations that they encounter. This essay will look at the different models, theories of social work and the factors that may have influence social work practice. While they called for scientific investigation they did relatively little of it themselves. Definitions of other relevant terms Social services: Services delivered by social welfare agencies. At One Way Community services, management uses principles of the person centred approach like self determination to handle problems that arise as a result of the absence of large salaries etc. The main goal of a successful, strategic HRM should be to ensure the staff feels safe, respected, and heard at all times. Social work derives most of its knowledge from sociology because the psycho-social problems of an individual cannot be diagnosed and solved without having the knowledge of his social environment. Another one may achieve their identity through assimilation of the experiences and the future plans. Moving on to the end of this piece of work the author will look at the complexity of human life in context of sexual exploration, usage of substances and some of major events and their influences upon adolescence life. The problem with this believes is that it suggests that the change is impossible, we are who we are and there is nothing we can do about it. Administrative aspects of project human resources management involves the process of providing formal guidance and control to the project team. In all that they do, HR professionals must have strong interpersonal skills, since they are in charge of working directly with employees and managers. Isolated facts are meaningless without theorization. Sociology has made great contribution to enrich human culture: Human culture has been made richer by the contribution of sociology. The functions of human resource management are often far-reaching and vary depending on the organization and its specific needs. Technological advancements and streamlinedstaffing practices will play a crucial role in the HR field as time goes on. Leadership and the HR department work to envision the organizations ideal future. "This will definitely impact how HR professionals are trained now and in the future. It is a profession that is dedicated to helping people improve their lives and the lives of those around them. Work Environment: HR generalists typically work in an office setting. The salary range typically falls between $50,714 and $64,451. There can be a situation where a child does not know or care for their identity may explore different alternatives without making any choices. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. All these founders of sociology were basically social philosophers. In sum, there has been little evidence of gender differences regarding questions of identity structure or developmental process (Adams, 2003). From then on human rights groups like trade unions began to heavily influence governments which in turn began creating legislation which reacted to these inhuman management structures. Similarly, facts without theories are blind and directionless. It is more concerned with the form of human events and their patterns. I will now explain the specific experiences One Way Community services has had with the unique challenges facing non-profit and welfare organizations and if social work management has been able to assist the organization in improving its effectiveness and efficiency as a result. "HR is also uniquely poised to address those issues and implement solutions, which frequently involves coaching leaders.". Management can be utilized in any type of organization Management also consists of 4 or so (depending on the source) basic management tasks which are perfomed in order for every task that is carried out. What does happiness mean? In doing so, the child undertakes certain actions as it moves through stages of development. Retrieved from, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, Didn`t find the right sample? Printed from Encyclopedia of Social Work. Human resource management should not be underestimated as a field. Organizational factors influence how social work services are organized, delivered and evaluated and so it makes sense that the management of this organizational context would play a big role in the quality of social work services that are rendered, the next section we will introduce the concept of management and how effective management of a non-profit organization can improve its services before exploring how a specific type of management (Social work management), is specifically needed for the special challenges facing the social work profession within the non-profit organizational context. The study of sociology is important for social workers because of the following reasons. Political science, International law also studies forms of social relationship. The criminals are now treated as human beings suffering from mental deficiencies and efforts are accordingly made to rehabilitate them as useful members of the society. 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