borax for arthritis

Vegetarians tend to get the most boron from their diet because they typically eat more plant-based foods, which are good sources of boron. Therefore, you shouldn't adopt the orthodox habit of using borax for arthritis pain relief instead of lifestyle and dietary modifications. It is naturally present in lots of plants and foods, volcanic spring waters, and mineral deposits across the world. I am quite confused with the dosage- I am taking 1 tbsp a day from mix of 1/8 tsp if borax in 1 l of distilled water - some sites suggest to drink that 1 litre if the mix of borax a day - please advise . Your results seem similar to mine where I just got steady improvement until all symptoms were just gone. . I just want you to know that this is a miracle worker! I don't know if it's helping or not but will continue to use it until it's gone, then I will re-evaluate. A normal dose of borax for women (1/8 t.) makes me feel awful for 24 hours. Biological Trace Element Research, 157(1), 56-61. doi: 10.1007/s12011-014-9945-8. So far I only had to take 5mg prednisone 2 times in 2 weeks, once for the chronic hives I get and one time for inflammation in my arthritis. I add it to my bath & it . Can you specify? For example, applying boric acid inside the vagina may help treat yeast infections, especially where other treatments have failed. If I were a farmer the biggest enemies are to livestock and plants are fluoride and aluminum. A couple of times a week tops. The review also found that people with osteoarthritis had lower concentrations of boron than people without osteoarthritis. It's important to note that borax can have side effects, such as digestive distress or flu-like symptoms. Supplements may help by reducing how much boron the body loses through urine. The skin is an organ too so it gets absorbed that way. 5 It is not toxic. So spreading the dose may make it more tolerable for more people and potentially decrease the potential for a negative reaction.. I have had good luck with this homeopathic product for my problem left ear and sinus issues, "Clear Sinus & Ear, Homeopathic" Https:// I only use them until it clears up, not all the time. I have been taking Borax now for several years after reading an Australian doctor's trial result. I had it practically dissolved and woke up this morning to find crystalized Borax in the bottom of the bottle. Borax is a mineral compound used for medicinal purposes for centuries. She is also knitting again which had gotten to painful to do as she liked to do. I don't have any ill side effects from it at all. This can be attributed to many effects of borax on the human body. It has been my observation that friends of my relatives who did joint replacement further cause the ones to be broken. After a month of use she told me that there were areas of her hands, the padded areas, that were no longer painful and her fingers also had less pain, but here fingers were still locking. I might try it. Sounds scary to me! Borax can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if you ingest it by itself, and large amounts can lead to shock and kidney failure. This was followed by findings from numerous other observations epidemiologic and controlled animal and human experiments. 2023 Earth Clinic LLC. For women, dissolve 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water, and sip it throughout the day for five days. Borax gets used in glass, ceramics and pottery-making purposes. The article looks at the types, causes, and treatments, including natural, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Judging by the available studies, which are very limited, there could be a risk for kidney issues at high enough dosing. After about a week, the swelling in my shoulder had diminished and pain was greatly relieved. My take away from my friend's predicament is that if borax is working well to keep your arthritis in remission, think long and hard before you decide to stop it for any reason. I decided to go with the 2 straight weeks approach. Borax has successfully been used as a remedy for a variety of ailments. It typically comes in 3-milligram (mg) capsules. <<<, Hand arthritis is the condition of the mycoplasma and the mycobacterium and they exists because it eats the bones causing lumps of the bones around the end. salts for the past year without any effects. It took 3 weeks to get improvement in my trigger thumb, but my finger joint stiffness improved within the first week or so. Borax is a natural remedy that can effectively treat various types of arthritis and joint problems. You are now using a very simple, very inexpensive method to keep your arthritis in remission indefinitely. no pain! Tell her to look up oxalates and anemia. The following foods are rich sources of boron: The majority of people in the United States get most of their boron intake from coffee, milk, apples, beans, and potatoes, because they tend to eat large amounts of these. A Day in My Life - Soft boy. (n.d.). Tannins have an affinity of pulling out some iron out of the body. I am only on day 4 of this and started seeing results after the 2nd day. This past week, I got DMSO and read all about and followed the receipe to the letter and applied to my side and lower back., used 2 drops. It is more common in men. Borax is also useful to help detox and remove fluorine from my body. I was hesitant to drink the solution, so decided applying it topically would be OK (not sure why I thought that, the skin is a huge organ which absorbs all kinds of things, including Epsom salts and baking soda in a bath) The application at room temperature felt so good and relieving. Plus absolutely no side effects. Getting wind, especially cold, in that ear causes it to get stuffy again. 3. Half an hour later, the pain was more intense and never let up until bed, Next day, tried again with 3 drops and still in pain and now today I am in worse pain in my side, So I am ready to give up and wondering what I am doing wrong or what does a few drops mean for DMSO. Brilliant. The main thing is that they all have the same active ingredient, Diclofenac Sodium Gel 1%, and that is what offers effective pain relief. Then, take two days off before repeating the cycle. Massage into the area and then allow the area to dry before you put on any clothes. It is worth mentioning that house brand versions of Voltaren are less expensive and just as effective. Any suggestions, maybe try castor oil with DMSO? History. Nothing has helped remove it. I have shared this with a friend who has concerns about taking it while on prednisone to treat an autoimmune form of arthritis.. Boron is essential in maintaining the correct levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the body. They discourage bacterium growth on the bones and it actually used to prevent cavities if added in toothpaste. I don't believe so much in using metal joint replacement. If this is the case, an air filter inside will help. She told me that if she could do it all over again, she would have never stopped taking borax, even if it were the cause of her anemia because she said she is so miserable now, she would rather have tried to deal with the anemia through natural means. (7) Hormonal Imbalances I still haven't made an eye appointment that is required to take the HC because I have faith that I will not need it. The downside to curcumin is it has shown reactivity with Tacrolimus, a common transplant drug. According to the ODS, a safe intake of boron may be between 113 mg per day. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), low boron intake may increase the risk of lung cancer, prostate cancer, and cervical cancer. Much of the arthritis and foot pain from bones is the mycobacterium, and other fungus like bacterium. I use distilled water and add trace minerals to it in addition to the 1/4 teaspoon of borax. Click here to learn more. This is a dilution of 3X more than of a single cup/glass, which is significant. It is a sort of Catch-22. Last medically reviewed on April 29, 2022. The second kind of bacterium that caused the fusing of joints such that the fingers can no longer move, is due to a staphylococcus like bacteria that eats up the cartilage between the joints. To use borax effectively for arthritis, it's important to follow the suggested dosage guidelines, adjust the dosage based on body weight and age, and be mindful of possible side effects. Other supplements I may consider is 20, 000 I.u. In my neighborhood, my car is covered in tree pollen every few hours! Pizzorno, L. (2015). A friend of mine who had good effects using borax for arthritis used it everyday for the first two weeks and had good benefit. Boron has shown anti-arthritic activity and anti-osteoporosis activity in people also. I also reminded her that borax is helpful for staving off osteopenia and osteoporosis. Here is a link to it :,aps,142&sr=8-1&th=1. Thank You Jesus!!! infertility . My skin got real flakey! It is used for cleaning houses and removing bugs. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? This has now gone one for about five days. I am also glad that you are one of the lucky ones who can tolerate borax! Thanks for sharing. The mycobacterium protects themselves against the effect of antibiotics and other things by creating a calcium shells to survive. Highly potent prescription biologics are sometimes used for osteoarthritis, but in transplant patients who are already taking drugs to lower their immune system, the biologics add to this immune lowering effect in order to reduce the osteoarthritis inflammation and damage. Fill the bottle with 4 oz hot distilled water. I quit using the DMSO because I didn't think it was doing anything. But besides that, I used the mixture on a giant hive and also a bee sting and it worked immediately. I tried Art's borax arthritis topical cream method last year but had a hard time dissolving the borax, so this distilled water method works perfectly for me. I have a soft tissue pain in my side, Walking with cane. I took a large capsule size of borax for arthritis and experienced brain fogginess and slight dizziness. Other than that I feel relatively great considering I take no medication or NSAIDS. Learn more about the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in females here. But when mixed with the others, allows for the body to attain better alkalization. Rheumatoid arthritis causes many symptoms, including joint pain and stiffness. What are the causes and types of arthritis. Right after a shower is a good time. What is the strength of the charcoal and do u recommend a brand? While more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and efficacy, using borax for arthritis has shown promise. Horses and dogs with broken legs, or even a broken pelvis, have fully recovered. This was more effective than the borax lotion, but she still had pain in both hands and her fingers would still lock in place such as when she was holding her steering wheel while driving and she would have to pry them open which she said was very painful and they would often make a loud popping noise when she would pry them open, which she said was very painful to do. Could time-restricted eating cause fertility problems? For more detailed discussion about boron and arthritis: Private. About 6 months after stopping borax, her osteoarthritis returned and quickly became much worse than ever before. I also really like the Charcoal House brand. A 2015 review of the benefits of boron found that greater boron intake (310 mg a day) was associated with fewer cases of osteoarthritis, reducing cases by as much as 60%. I have had congestion in one ear and sinus cavity off and on for a long while. Some individuals may find relief within a day or two, while others may require more time. I only know it works for arthritis, not sure about other ailments. The most important remedy, whether you use the apple cider vinegar with baking soda, or the lemon with baking soda, is actually the baking soda. I only put it in cold water one time and I believe it dissolved ok. Although I started that way, once I got to pain free, I would drink it faster and now I just drop my 1/4 teaspoon full in my mouth and wash it down with orange juice and it is still working. They all help and you can feel the difference the next day. Next I suggested Deirdre's DMSO / Borax topical blend. I have a bottle of hydroxychloroquine sitting on my desk waiting for me to begin taking it. It's a low-cost and straightforward solution that can help alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and more. I will keep looking for it online. That's why it's said you need to take responsibility f or your own health.research it to be convinced which I encourage that anyway. It turned out that borax was not the cause of her anemia so she decided to resume using it to try and alleviate her severe osteoarthritis again. Molybdenum is far safer than fluoride as it is an essential mineral as well, helping the remineralization of the bones and teeth, being one of them. You can check the pollen count in your area at This remedy works better than anything I have seen, after lots of trial and error of course. Research suggests that boron may be an effective way to treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. When taken internally, borax can effectively manage arthritis, fungal infections, and other ailments while also providing the body with essential trace minerals such as boron. For arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle cramps, joint pain or stiffness, or low hormone production take 10 mg (1.5 teaspoon) or more per day for several months or longer until your ailment has sufficiently improved. For instance Dr Newnham saw a young girl aged 9 months with juvenile arthritis. It previously was only available by prescription. My husband and I each take 4-6 mg per day. Staphylococcus is a unique bacteria that digests your cartilage, something they call proteoglycan and once the cartilage or out the other bacteria does the other work in digesting the along the joints rich in calcium, iron, and lack of circulation, being to their advantage as they are anaerobic creatures. Thanks! It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen. Another option is to use higher dose lysine, vitamin C and glycine as a means to replace damaged joint material at a rate faster than the rate of joint destruction from osteoarthritis, but this is a little controversial and your medical team may not be open to this idea, but a definite consideration if they are. This article takes a closer look at boron, its benefits, side effects, and what people need to know before taking boron as a supplement. I'd like to try Borax but am afraid since it's a household cleaner & it says we must use gloves to handle it. (2010). Dear Lori: It has been known for ages that arthritis is a rare occurence whenever boron is found present in drinking water. The elderly may also do best with a lower dose, half the recommended amount. water and 1 t. of borax solution? Nielsen, F.H., & Meacham, S.L. For instance Walgreens has their own version and it is less expensive and Walmart also has their version which is less expensive. Is it crystalizing in our bodies when we take it internally???!!!! One liter is over 4 cups of water. I'm extremely grateful to find out about this miracle. As soon as I started using it again the pain and stiffness went away. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 16(3), 169-180. doi: 10.1177/1533210110392892, Pl, A., Klmn, S., Pajor, L., Kszegi, T., Gspr, R., Financsek, I., & Bender, T. (2014). "For Women: 1/8 teaspoon of borax dissolved in 1 Liter of water, sipped throughout the day. The arthritic pain won out and I took it. However, in high doses, boron can be dangerous. I have lost faith in doctors after having them prescribe medications that cause worse symptoms than the actual ailment. Would love to hear results from other people. And the reason you must take the borax solution every day on a 4-day-on and 3-day-off basis is because supplementing borax always causes increased gland secretions in the human body. The one used in laundry? no issues. Also, Borax has a fairly high pH around 9.5, compared to the skin pH in the 5's and that could be another reason for your reaction. Topically in a bath is very highly diluted and would be less likely to be reactive with the skin, but your concentrated solution is just that, highly concentrated and in that case could be reactive with the skin. Boron ensures that calcium levels are maximized and used effectively, thus preventing arthritis. In his posts he suggested using the dose 2 to 4 times per week. Heiltropfen is the brand I have bought a bunch of times. A dose of 15,00020,000 mg can be fatal in adults, while high boron intakes in babies can cause anemia, seizures, skin rashes, and thinning hair. I have found tremendous amounts of help on Earth Clinic and I have been telling almost everyone I know. It may be that she is being exposed to greater fluoride levels than before, and it will simply take time for the borax to clear out the new fluoride. Shake, and then pour some of your borax solution into the palm of your hand and then apply to any problem areas you want to treat. Effects of Borax. I had some reduction in finger and elbow swelling but the bottom of my feet are still swollen. I've mixed two teaspoons of Borax into a liter of water and take two teaspoons of that distillation daily in water. It's very chelating. (2018). I started the protocol in early June and have kept up with it very consistently since then. Learn specific dosages, best practices, and borax alternatives onthis page. Alkalization is important also necessary to kill these fungus causing arthritis and a good remedy may be 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day, or perhaps a 2 tablespoon lime juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water (at least) taken twice a day. She also stated that since I'm a perfect match with my sister (based on certain markers), I virtually would never run the risk of rejecting the new kidney, and thus slightly decreased my immunosuppressant doses. I'm 64 and have been increasingly hurting from arthritis primarily muscle aches and inflammation for the past 10 years. Thank you so much Art, for your very helpful and comprehensive reply! That one you should also be able to get at your local pharmacies. Therefore, I don't suggest starting with a pinch in a cup of coffee as it's much more concentrated. I used Nature's Way - 560 mg per serving. I'm very glad that the borax is working well for you to reverse your arthritis! I have been thinking the same, I will start adding Borax to my bath. It completely took stiffness and discomfort of hurting finger joints away. <<<. And people with Parkinson's can go wacko. It is also available at Walmart if you have one near you. I did this for about a week but then started to feel feverish so I stopped. Please share your experience with us! Boron has anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. 4. I constantly make fun of every commercial pushing drugs that cause worse conditions than what you have. I'm not taking any drugs to dull the pain. Hi ReneeThe reason the borax solution is always sipped throughout the day is because the human body is also constantly excreting the borax at the same time. How long have you been on the 1/8th teaspoon dose? It is basically boron, which is a supplement you can easily purchase. I had very bad bursitis in my shoulder. It is at least as strong as Stopain, but I rarely recommend it because if applied to larger areas, it can potentially have negative side effects. I tend to believe the cause of most arthritis to be one of microorganisms found along the joints. We avoid using tertiary references. Below, you can find informative and interesting reviews from our readers about their experiences using borax to treat arthritis. Perhaps her dr gave her fluoride believing it would benefit her bones. I am going to take the challenge "Borax vs Arthritis" RIP Dr. Rex E. Newnham. No one is explaining it. My question: In your opinion, would it be "safe" for me to follow this Borax protocol for women? This is a miracle and this is why I'm leaving this review!!! And that's why you should always take the borax solution on a 4-day-on/3-day-off basis. Another application of borax has been for treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It is hard on my end to know what will be readily available in other countries. What form of borax do you use? Those are the suspect minerals that seem to encourage or discourage microbial growth. I'm 67 and a post-kidney transplant patient. #borax Borax for arthritis is a popular natural remedy for over 100 forms of arthritis including osteoarthritis, gout, pseudogout and rheumatoid arthritis.. ", Maria, This is a relatively conservative dose. It takes 18 months for it to detox out of our bodies. General. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my back by a chiropractor. I wanted to provide an update on my trigger finger, various arthritic joints, and Ted's famous borax protocol. Osteoarthritis has taken over my mature body (am over 29 ) & nothing seems to work to help me. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. In a review article published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, the authors note that "in the U.S. and other countries, soil boron depletion has led to a decline in boron content of certain crops and food items, thereby contributing to boron deficiency in humans." It has certainly reduced my arthritis symptoms in my hands and if I miss a dose for a few days, the pain quickly returns. Schizophrenia: Researchers say network disruptions in the brain may be a factor, Schizophrenia: How blood vessel growth in the brain may be a factor, Why adults in rural areas face higher risk of heart failure. Thank you for your quick response. After the first two weeks he went down to 4 days a week and the benefit remained steady and improving. Clearly your pain levels have declined significantly! I also did a bath with it and baking soda, my skin dried to a crisp. I also wonder if Borax would help for muscle tension (my back pain is a combination of muscle tension and chronic soreness from a burst fracture of L-1 12 years ago). I have always had problems getting rid of the free metal iron that exists along the joints feeding the microbial growth, in which case, chlorella capsules taken once a day maybe helpful. Could be a risk for kidney issues at high enough dosing is why i 'm very glad that borax... Also found that people with osteoarthritis had lower concentrations of boron may be between mg. Saw a young girl aged 9 months with juvenile arthritis her fluoride believing it would benefit her bones by available! In people also plant-based foods, volcanic spring waters, and Ted 's famous borax protocol difference... Is also knitting again which had gotten to painful to do as she liked to do as she to... Very limited, there could be a risk for kidney issues at high enough.... 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