as tomi bot invite

By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Thank you for your review, it encourages us keeping improving the bot! Ticket Tool is an advanced highly customizable ticket bot designed to handle everything you need to effectively support your community. :- are some beginner guides for new card collectors: Some good stuff to know T1 means = tier 1 = 1 star cards T2 means = tier 2 = 2 star cards T3 means = tier 3 = 3 star cards T4 means = tier 4 = 4 star cards T5 means = tier 5 = 5 star cards T6 means = tier 6 = 6 stars Cards the less the star the less valuable The higher the star the higher the value of the card Issue or the number means how many has collected the card. 4.5. Next up, navigate to "Bot" in the sidebar and click the "Add Bot" button. Commands Some Important Links Website Email Want some custom bots? Take a look at our advanced web dashboard here! A prompt will appear at the bottom of the page. Please dont forget to like share and subscribe my channel.And here is the link of my discord server u can start collecting cards from there because there is less competition and we do many giveaways also. Merci de la review, si tu as un soucis rejoint le discord de support ( au lieu de commenter ici. Commands are used by entering the prefix (default > or always @TomBot) followed by the command name and arguments, if applicable. 0 55,03K, Invite, Vote 4 Overview, TomBot Command Documentation, This is a list of commands available for TomBot, Commands are used by entering the prefix default > or always @TomBot . Then you wanna go to your bots application page, scroll down a little if you need to and click 'Transfer App to Team' select your team with your friend in and if necessary enter your 2fa code. Click Save Changes in this prompt to save your newly made changes. This should then present you a nice confirmation message: Congratulations! If you have any questions, suggestions or if you need support, join our support discord server here. Inform them about server's rules, topics, and ongoing events, creating a great . supportserver Invite the bot You'll be taken to a page to set up the bot's permissions, where you can select the server you'd like to invite the bot to. join my discord server also. _______________________________________________#animesoul,#animecard,#anime,#networkchat #botsetup,#networkchat, #cardcollectingchannel,#tomi,#cardcollectinggame Here is the official guide to the card game written by Jas: To see all the available commands on this bot, you can use command as!help to check them out. Set bots to only have knife and play pistol only :P #3. This only needed the. Check out your/someone elses Insta, dpbattle