5e new weapons

A damage value in parentheses appears with the property, indicating the damage dealt when you use it with two hands. It lets the wielder bypass Resistance to nonmagical attacks. It has no magical properties, but its nature allows smiths to select for sharpness, flexibility, hardness, and durability. This bullet deals no special damage against most creatures, but any attack with a silver bullet that hits a creature with a special vulnerability to silver, like some fiends or shapechangers, is an automatic critical hit. There are a couple of weirder, unofficial outliers as well, but well get to them in a minute. When youre wielding a finesse weapon like a rapier and an enemy hits you with a melee attack, Defensive Duelist lets you use your reaction to momentarily add your proficiency bonus to your AC, potentially making the attack miss. Light weapons, like daggers, are usually smaller and easier to handle, making them ideal for two-weapon fighting, which requires you to use light weapons. Most warriors use martial weapons because these weapons put their fighting style and training to best use. D&D has had clawed gauntlets before. The weapon is large or cumbersome, and must be wielded in two hands to attack with it. These weapons have specially-shaped heads that halt the forward movement of their target toward the wielder after piercing the target, and can be used to catch shields and weapons. UPGRADED D&D Weapons: The Bow More Content #Shorts Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/thedungeoncoach Alkander's Almanac D&D 5e Expansion: http. Am I Proficient? If a magical shield applies its bonus to both AC and attack and damage rolls, its rarity tier increases by one. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack you make with this weapon (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). Silver Bullet. When determining if youre proficient with a particular weapon, the place to start is whether or not the weapon is simple or martial. You cannot make ranged attack rolls with that ranged weapon if your Strength is lower than that value. Some monsters with immunity or resistance to nonmagical weapons are susceptible to silver, so cautious adventurers invest extra coin to plate their weapons with silver. If one of your hands is occupied by performing somatic components, grappling, etc, you cannot attack with this weapon until you return your hand to the weapon. Weapons with the thrown property can be used both in melee and at range (although they cant compete with ranged weapons in terms of their effective distance) and use the attackers Strength modifier instead of Dexterity although a weapon with the Finesse and Thrown properties (see below) can be used to make a ranged attack with either Dexterity or Strength. The bludgeoning damage increases by 1d10 for every size above Small. It can keep a martial level with others, without letting them dominate the game. When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with a sweeping weapon, you can target another creature within 5 feet of the first that you can reach and, if the original attack roll can hit it, apply any remaining damage to it. You can target a number of creatures in that line equal to your proficiency bonus, making new attack rolls for each creature. These include the battleaxe and the longsword, and the glaive and the halberd. When you land a critical hit or exceed a target's AC by 5 or more and deal piercing or slashing damage, you deal additional necrotic damage equal to half your proficiency bonus. There are also some weapons that are outclassed by others. Weapons use the same statistics, though their damage types may differ. Saying 2d6->1d12 is an entire step is not balanced. You can silver a single weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition for 100 gp. A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use in an off-hand or fighting with two weapons. Net. This can be amazing, especially at earlier levels. On a successful saving throw, a creature takes half as much poison damage and does not contract the disease. Used in areas without access to wood or metal, items made of this inflexible material are as durable as their standard versions, but weigh half as much and have triple the cost. Most bronze weapons are antiques, though the use of bronze-cast cannon and bombards has caused it to return. $7.50 + $5.10 shipping. When you apply an injury poison to an adamantite weapon or piece of ammunition, the poison isn't removed after the first injury, but is instead applied every time you deal piercing or slashing damage to a creature until the poison dries naturally. When you make an attack, the weapon flashes, expels smoke, and creates a bang that can be heard within 300 feet. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you want to pick up the Polearm Master Feat (preferably paired with Sentinel) then the 1d10 slashing damage Glaive becomes the strongest choice. Many weapons can be represented by the same mechanics. This content is no longer up-to-date. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Elementals aligned with fire or water are vulnerable to damage from true ice weapons. . A lantern can be added or removed as an action. Objects, Constructs, and Elementals and other creatures that do not bleed may be immune to this damage, at the discretion of your DM. They are a specialization with an enormous opportunity cost and should be treated as such. These weapons are unwieldier than most. On the other, the removal of "feat taxes" (feats necessary to make builds viable) is an admirable goal as well. Net. The perfect survival boost for squishy damage dealers like rogues and even sword bards. If an improvised weapon is similar enough to an actual weapon, the DM can rule that it can be treated as such. An exceptional magical material, True Ice comes from the core of polar caps and mountain peaks, and never melts. Adamantine Weapons A +1 weapon is uncommon, a +2 weapon is rare, and a +3 weapon is very rare. Medium or smaller creatures can use the siege tower to reach the top of walls up to 40 feet high. is as silvery and delicate as youd expect. You start with the armor listed for your class. New Weapons 5E homebrew v2.mod (39.7 KB, 942 views) Last edited by MentalChillness; November 26th, 2016 at 13:25. Characters in most established D&D settings, like the Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk, wouldnt have firearm proficiency, so if they found a gun (presumably in a scene resembling that moment from the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes), theyd have to practice using the training rules to gain proficiency. You can fill a cauldron with more than boiling water. Ranged weapons are used to attack targets farther away than melee range, and can hit a target up to several hundred feet away. Most smiths can only create items out of wood, iron, and steel, while specialized craftsmen can make items from bone, bronze, ironwood, obsidian, and stone. Cold Iron. A Small or smaller creature always suffers this disadvantage. The weapon can be wielded in either one or two hands. A garrote cannot be used on any creature more than 1 size larger than you, and you can only attack with a garotte if you have advantage. Modifies: buckler, shield, tower shield, dueling shield Carrying or storing too much powder is risky. This movable galley is equipped with an iron-clad log suspended by chains. Elemental ammunition includes enchanted bullets, quarrels, needles, or arrows charged with magic. Optional Rules: Weapons in D&D are typically made of iron, and occassionally steel. Similar sidenote - Could always add a saber. This thick, heavy spear is better wielded in two hands than one. To do so, each weapon has a combination of several unique properties, which add new functions, passive bonuses, or options. A substance grown and tempered by warrior-druids for weapons and armor, this fireproof wood is as dense and resilient as steel. There are two special weapons in the D&D 5e Players Handbook. An ultra-hard jet-black metal with a multicolored sheen, weapons made from this meteoric iron devastate other objects. Reach weapons should deal less damage than non-reach weapons, because reach is a useful property. Modifies: a melee weapon or 3 pieces of ammunition that deal piercing or slashing damage Angled and ignited to fire hundreds of light projectiles in a shower of flame, it attacks all creatures in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered at a point within range chosen by the crew. When wielded one-handed (allowing you to use your other hand for a torch, a shield, or an arcane focus), the weapon deals 1d8 + STR slashing damage; when wielded two-handed, the weapon deals 1d10 + STR slashing damage. In addition, this weapon can be used to throw bombs to any point within its long range. See the rules for two-weapon fighting part IV. You can use an action to spread and light oil on 3 pieces of ammunition or a melee weapon, which sets them alight. Blowgun. It does improve them slightly, but the ultimate goal is diversification and the overall increase is minimal. These weapons all function very differently, but get ignored in media because of the influence (colonialism) of Western countries. This chapter adds no new actions and works to adhere to the already-extant combat system without additional redundancies, extras, or rules bloat, though it does tweak much. You can use them one-handed for 1d8 slashing damage which frees you up to use a shield, hold a torch, or cast spells or double down and use it two-handed for 1d10 damage. A creature in the tower has total cover from attacks outside the tower. Create new weapon. Modifies: glaive, pike Just think about what style of fighting you want your character to excel at and use this handy guide. A Moon-Touched Sword is one of the best low-level magic weapons in D&D 5e. There are hundreds of thousands of different types of weapons throughout real world history and even more in the pages of science fiction and fantasy literature. Lance. However, a Moon-Touched Sword lacks other major combat benefits. Burst Fire. Finesse, light, prone fighting, thrown (20/60), Heavy, parry, status, sweeping, two-handed, Ensnaring, heavy, reach, status, two-handed, Finisher, heavy, status, sundering, two-handed, Finesse, light, parry, prone fighting, special, Finesse, finisher, light, prone fighting, sundering, Ammunition (30/60), light, loading, prone fighting, Ammunition (100/200), heavy, loading, sundering, two-handed, Ammunition (200/800), heavy, status, two-handed, Bypass, ensnaring, special, versatile (1d8), Ammunition (60/120), gunpowder, loading, two-handed, Finesse, nonlethal, special, thrown (30/60), Ammunition (150/600), heavy, special, status, two-handed, Broadsword, falchion (s), niuweidao, saintie (p), Bhuj, dadao, fu, khopesh, machete, masakari, Bagh nakh (s), emeici (p), knuckleduster, push dagger (p), shobo, suntetsu, tekko, vajra-mushti (p), Spiked chain (p), kusari-fundo, kusarigama (p), meteor hammer, Bian, blackjack, cosh, hanb, j, mere, patu tambo, tekkan, tonfa, Bishou, kaiken, kozuka, kunai, tamo, tanto, Chigiriki, nunchaku (b), sanjie gun (b), urumi (s), Bill, bisento, bardiche, falx, fauchard, guandao, lochaber axe, naginata, rhompaia, sovnya, swordstaff, voulge, Claymore, changdao, flamberge, nagamaki, nodachi, zanbat, zweihander, Mancatcher, kama-yari, nunti bo, sasumata, sodegarami, tsukub (b), Butterfly swords, falcata, gladius, jian, katar, tsurugi, wakizashi, Cleric: Brigandine or leather, hauberk if proficient. A crew must have appropriate ammunition, as detailed later in this section, to fire a siege engine. An organ gun's massive spread allows targets to escape its grasp; it has disadvantage on all attacks. 8. These precise weapons lend themselves to dextrous combat. The keyword, then, is style. 0wlington 8 yr. ago Weapons are not discrete items. Morningstar. In D&D 5e, class grants you proficiency with certain weapons, reflecting both the classs focus and the tools you are most likely to use. Modifies: club, greatclub, cestus Then, pick a weapon that suits that style of fighting. Atlatl. The two categories are simple and martial. Bone. Ironwood items are considered wood, rather than metal, for the purposes of spells and other effects that target those materials, and can't be set on fire by effects that ignites objects that aren't being worn or carried. With every single step, the average damage increases by 1, the maximum damage increases by 2. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. The table below lists several alternate options, as well as water. Armor made from True Ice grants resistance to fire damage and immunity to atmospheric hazards in hot environments, but halves the time required to make saves against cold. Every creature within 30 feet of the point where the barrel landed must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. In addition to heavy stones, trebuchets can fire a variety of other items, which change the amount and type of damage that it deals. Zacchaeus. Bows need arrows, crossbows need bolts (or quarrels), and slings need rocks. Holy Water. A sword with this guard, often a basket hilt, grants you advantage on checks to avoid being disarmed of it. A character must then reload it using an action or a bonus action (the characters choice). Adamantine in D&D looks very different from its more well-known counterpart in the X-Men comics. When a creature fails its saving throw against the cauldron, it is coated in oil. Because of its small size and attachment to your hand, you cannot drop a cestus or be disarmed of one unless you are incapacitated. If you are hidden when you attack with this weapon, you do not reveal your location. Obsidian. It takes an action to don or doff a gauntlet sword. When wearing furred armor, you make saving throws against extremely cold environments and weather with advantage, and against hot environments at disadvantage. Firing a piece of flaming ammunition more than half its weapon's normal range extinguishes it, which removes this modification. The Armor Table shows the cost, weight, armor class, and properties each type of armor. Who needs Power Word Kill when youve got a gun? These minute needles are small enough that when you apply a poison to them, a dose covers 10 pieces of ammunition instead of the usual 3. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, and destroys the net. May 8, 2020. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. Spellcasters continue to track far more options and resources, and they operate beautifully. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. 2) 1d8 on a light weapon - regardless of damage type - makes this the new dual wielding sword and makes dual wielder feat essentially just a feat for +1 to AC - goes from a situational feat to a feat where there is always a better option - to make this at all balanced this needs to be an option only for +0/1 uncommon/rare magical swords/items Organ Gun. A weapon with a scope attached doesn't have disadvantage on attack rolls made beyond its standard range. Special weapons have entirely unique attributes, detailed after the weapon charts. If you are holding a hooksword in each hand, checks from the weapon's ensnaring property are made with advantage, and the ability to link both hookswords together gives this weapon the sweeping property. If lit, the oil burns for 4 rounds and deals 10 fire damage to any creature that enters the area or ends its turn there. Ideally, players will intuit and remember properties with ease. On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee-weapon attack as a bonus action. A magical shield with a bonus to AC only increases the Armor Class of the user and does not grant a bonus to attack and damage rolls with the shield. When you inflict this status, the next attack made against the target gains a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus. #1. A 5-foot-radius circle directly below the cauldron is also covered in oil. Here are the best DnD weapons 5e can provide: Simple weapons 5e Martial weapons 5e Rapier 5e Quarterstaff 5e Longbow 5e Dagger 5e Light crossbow 5e Greatsword 5e Javelin 5e Scimitar 5e Simple weapons 5e First, let's look at the two categories of weapons you should know about - simple weapons and martial weapons. However, the two-handed property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when youre just holding it or carrying it around. Just make sure youre proficient in that weapon and that your decision isnt messing with how your class likes to be played. There are a few playstyles in 5e that don't really receive enough developer support, in my humble opinion. Modifies: boar spear, javelin, shortspear, glaive, greataxe, guisarme, halberd, harpoon, pike, pollaxe, ranseur, spear Mithral weapons with the Heavy property can be used to make extra attacks regardless of the user's strength and can be wielded normally by small creatures. Welcome to our complete guide to choosing a weapon in D&D 5e. Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged. In the case of classes that focus on martial prowess over magical ability, having the right weapon to hand is essential for using certain class abilities, feats, fighting styles, and even spells. These weapons utilize volatile powder as a propellant to fire projectiles or explode. Silver weapons. Every creature within 30 feet of the point where the barrel landed must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw against disease or take 2d10 poison damage and contract sewer plague (DMG page 256). Might give you some good ideas! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When worn, half plate and heavy armor offer Damage Reduction. A melee weapon is used to attack enemies within 5 feet of you (or 10 feet if the weapon has the Reach property) and doesnt require ammunition. In place of a weapon attack, you can wind up your weapon or brace it against the ground, depending on the weapon's design. If you damage a creature with a cavalry weapon after moving at least 30 feet straight toward a target while mounted, you deal an extra 1d6 damage. You must use the same modifier for both rolls. Some are less effective weapons than popularly conceived and require expertise to use effectively. Dwarves: All dwarves are proficient with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer. You must decide to do this before making the attack roll. Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged. Pikes, polearms, and glaives weapons with the reach property can hit targets up to 10 feet away instead of 5 feet. Many entirely new weapons join the existing roster, to include some weapons of great tactical value in history which 5e neglected. You also gain this bonus against creatures with thick shells, metallic hides, and other creatures at the discretion of your DM. Two-handed should be a positive trait, though. In this state it is no longer wielded and stands on its own to act as 1/2 cover for an upright creature, or total cover for a prone one. After damaging a Huge or smaller creature with a melee attack from a winged weapon, the creature cannot move toward you and must expend 2 feet of movement for every foot it moves within your reach. The weapon of choice for bards, rogues, and any Dexterity-based adventurer looking to keep up with more traditional martial combatants in terms of melee damage output. Because of the time required to load this weapon, you fire only one piece of ammunition when you attack with it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make. Strength-based unarmed builds, for one, as well as single-wielding one-handed weapons without a corresponding shield. Modifies: a melee weapon or three pieces of ammunition that deal piercing or slashing damage As objects, each engine is immune to psychic and poison damage. When you come within 5 feet of a prone creature on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. A cauldron is assumed to contain 20 gallons of liquid, or the volume of 160 standard flasks. Wearing armor made from bone (an incredibly rare item thanks to bones' inflexibility and inconsistent quality) grants you advantage on saving throws against necromancy spells, and when you cast a necromancy spell through a focus made from bone you can reroll one of the spell's damage dice. 5e PHB pp.144: As a general rule, undamaged weapons, armor, and other equipment fetch half their cost when sold in a market. Whether youre a new player or a haggard grognard (like me) looking for a quick refresher, were here to talk through the ins and outs of choosing a weapon for your next character in D&D 5e. Melee might not be for you. 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